In this very first photo, it is shown what it can be a kind of dog's like creature but doesn't be deceive for the image is altered for the lens of the camera itself, something............
something for sure is that from the many photos taken similar to this creature even in different positions something in common have with the others: they resembles two eyes and a body, this same creature you can even find it in several positions and incredibly in different pictures of rocks formations where they are possibly hiding from the harsh environment of mars or predators, Here you can see the perfect silhouette of a living form that it wasn't distorted by the focus of the lens, In visual arts you may know that some kind of paints just come clear to your vision if you see them with semi-closed eyes, is then that at some degrees the blurriness of the target is depreciated by the Reticular Activated System RAS so your eyes filters out the surrounding of the target to bring it forward.
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