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A Hint for Perseverance

Four years ago Alphacentauro23.com made an announcement to the world with pictures of life on the Mars Planet, there were much optimism and curiosity by many peoples questioning themselves the originality of those pictures, etc, well I am presenting you the result of some years of work in which I can show you the location of those creatures and the method I used to bring it to you today

         I started to investigate in the Martian soil to find out something beyond that your naked eyes couldn’t provide you and I also started to use a normal application like window photo viewer, snip and sketch and paint, and I was using my phone camera also for zoom in the selected photo, and I zoomed in with these applications using my laptop HP and I started to see results but not enough cause I could see something but the application itself didn’t allow me to see deeper, but it was so intense my curiosity what brings me to this point, and it wasn’t till I downloaded the application 123 photo viewer that things started to get noticed,

Believe me, you have to download this application in order to be able to search deeper into the photo because is the only one so far that you would be able to use for see beyond and with more clear and detailed images, ones you get this Microsoft application you just can opt for open your photos with 123 photo viewer but this app does not allow you to do many things like other applications can as mark on the screen, edit at your preference, etc.

And this is one of the reasons that didn’t allow me to mark the locations of the creatures using this app, I could just copy and paste the photos in Facebook and with the use of the famous Facebook blue like hand I pointed out some of the locations where you can find those creatures for your reference, but I encourage you to be patient in the search and explore the picture inside because there are much more to see. and believe me, this way where you are the field explorer and spot the target for yourself is far more rewarding,

I just show you before what you have to find with a pre-selected album of photos which you can find in this page Alphacentauro23.com and you can see them in the original photos,

I did not post many more pictures of all creatures because some of the photos are quite blur and not well identifiable is better to see them in the whole real picture so is then that it will make more sense to the observer and I decided not included in this post,

Besides, after you find one or some of them and after you finish your exploration on the Martian soil I invite you to find in NASA’s official website those four photos that I just provide to you so you will see for yourself that they are real and authentic photos and the creatures you will see are hiding gems and you can feel more confident in the search, I included a link down below for your reference

Please after you searched for yourself on the Martial soil would you consider commenting, liking, and sharing this information so other peoples can be as informed as you, thanks in advance for your honesty.

    NB ;Some of the pictures are set to enlarge as you click on it and some not, I didn't emphasized on this because there is not too much you can appreciate with this feature as I said before in using this view from this point but you are strongly recommended to copy and paste this picture to a preferred location and open it up with the Microsoft app 123 photo viewer

this is the reason we humans are wandering in the outerspace

In this unique photo, I am just showing you, two creatures of the same specimen, I just select the two with better visibility but when you explore the terrain with the app 123 photo viewer you can see many more creatures that appear blur or are nearly impossible to recognize due to the distance from the camera lens to the position or the angle that those creatures were standing at the time of the capture of the photo, It is also in this unique photo that you can appreciate at the center top between the rocks the nest like shape structure in pink color in which you can appreciate a similitude to those found here on our planet earth and I am not refering to the shape itself because I haven’t see any similar in our planet, I am just refering to the way it is camouflaged in that crevices showing the presence of predators, and that mean the presence of another species of creatures.

In this photo, you can appreciate as the previous one the same kind of creatures and you can observe by yourself that there are many more and I invite you to spot them, they are all over the picture, but observe the top to the left that it shows a bluish in color sort of nest or Den protruding from the rock wall and what is interesting is that many of these creatures seems to be standing in front of those nest or Dens while others not , I understand that in order to really appreciate something in many of those pictures the observer must be well into this subject and really interested and knowledgeable in this kind of science that cover planets, biology , evolution , physics ,astronomy , chemical ,and many others, so you will have a better scope in the study and analysis of this new discovery

In this picture as in previous picture you can spot many creatures lurking on the rocks but I just focused on the one that looks with better definition and you can see also that on the top one is the same type of nest or den we saw before and you can see in many places if you look closely and with patience

Well this is one of the more interesting images because it shows a lot more of those creatures and with better clarity, remember to zoom in to 1230 % +/- 100 or 200 so you can have a better view, I just added some white hands pointing out where the colony and individuals creatures are but I would like you to explore this small terrain by yourself so you can spot the huge amount of creatures present in this image, but look very well because you will find that these cross are just two individuals in crossed position, either way dividing themselves or mating between then.

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2 years ago

No me canso de ver las imágenes,es muy interesante

2 years ago

Es impresionante, habría que promover este descubrimiento y que llegue a donde tenga que llegar

Here there are two links where you can find the original pictures, same as I posted: just click those links for redirect you to NASA's page



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