! Eureka !    Life on Mars Planet

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In this very first photo, it is shown what it can be a kind of dog's like creature but doesn't be deceive for the image is altered for the lens of the camera itself, something for sure is that from the many photos taken similar to this creature even in different positions something in common have with the others: they resembles two eyes and a body, this same creature you can even find it in several positions and incredibly in different pictures of rocks formations where they are possibly hiding from the harsh environment of mars or predators, Here you can see the perfect silhouette of a living form that it wasn't distorted by the focus of the lens In visual arts you may know that some kind of paints just come clear to your vision if you see them with semi-closed eyes, is then that at some degrees the blurriness of the target is depreciated by the Reticular Activated System RAS so your eyes filters out the surrounding of the target to bring it forward, This kind of creature we can find them mostly in shadowy areas and for that reason we can speculate that their bodies , skin and complexions are softer and more complex form of life that the X shaped creatures

Here you can see an strange protruding formation that seems to be made by purpose by those living creatures and not any rock calcification and is found it in a dent between the rocks,this strange formation is found in a place isolated from possible predators, its structure nothing to do with its background ,the color is different and we can see that it is fulfilling a function , a purpose of nature but on Mars

This is one of the different kinds of creatures found alone, in groups or cluster together as shown in the image below, not always is a perfect X shaped form as you will see later.

A cluster of the above living creatures ,as you can see in the bottom left the X shaped formation start to take a more closed form differing from the one above that looks more spread it making it looks like a four dotted thing with a dot in the center looking like an X formation, also the lens of the camera reveals that those are at a parallel distance between the surface and the camera and it is not a focus anomaly or dust on the lens of the camera, At the beginning I was thinking in carbon monoxide sprouting out of the rocks but this is not the case because the perfect pattern that creates it only can be related to living organism, the black color is a definitely sign of nature acting here where this creatures needs these obsessive dark colors to absorb sun light in order to thrive in that planet

Here you can appreciate the before mentioned creature that is kind of standing over a surface and its shape is slightly bend it  backward, for me looks like a sea star here on Earth that is resting over a rock where its members are relaxing

It can be observed also that those creatures are found sparse all over this area specially in this image taken from another site of the Martian landscape, prompting to speculate that populations of different species on Mars are emerging in different areas, this kind of species for example I will assume that have a preference for sunny areas even when we see them in the shadow in some images

Here is another cluster of those creatures mostly exposed to the light or sun, where you can see their shadows on the left, this image tell us that they tend to agglomerate for any specific reason, and we can just assume that it could be for reproduction purpose as they shows a bulk of creatures clamping together

Already in this image you can appreciate that some of those creatures are taking another pattern, here you cannot see the X shaped creature any more so it tell us that it wasn't an X shaped creature at all , they may be cross bonding their bodies for reproduction purpose, one can just wander what could be their locomotion mean, if they posses tiny legs or they just crawl like worms ,in this images you can  appreciate that they are splitting apart from each others.

So in this lucky picture we can finally appreciate the before mentioned x shaped creature already in its original form though, observe that the size of these single creatures correspond to those that are crossed

This is one of the first images that called my attention,in the center you can observe a pallid colored object kind of humanoid with its head and body facing to left, but do not worry about this image it merely could be nothing else than rocks structures, or we may find out later that it is a real alien creature.

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4 years ago

very interesting, I knew there was life on Mars

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