Attention: before you continue reading is important that you follow some instructions in order to get the most of this post and do not get lost,
First of all bear in mind that this are original images taken from Mars Curiosity Rover and they are not altered in any form and you will find out yourself lucky taking part of this discovery before it comes to be discovered by the big media,
Secondly it is recommended not to zooming in to large the pictures displayed on the page so you can see with better clarity and definition the elements on the images, in other hand it is recommended for you to have in your computer the app 123 photo viewer in order to explore the Martian terrain for yourself and see the living creatures there and is then that you can zoom in or out to your convenience till you spot those creatures
These little black worms are the beginning of a new form of life on Mars, you can find them mostly in couples crossed like mating for reproduction, despite that there are other predators on mars that feed on them, the natural selection capacity of species hasn't play a full role on this particular one, we can see this because their very black colors are not being camouflaged yet by evolution or they just need this dark version to absorb sun light more efficiently
This little creature that I assume it could be the size of a yellow pea is found in some areas from the pictures sent from the Rover curiosity some years ago, because the distance the picture was taken and some other elements of the ambient of Mars it is very difficult to distinguish the full silhouette of this creature, but you can appreciate that this same creature appears in many photos and even in many places of the same photos and in different angles, but always depicting an illuminated frontal nose or mouth and what it seems to be two eyes and we can merely see two legs, the blur element behind looks like a dent or nest on the rock and I can tell for previous images where this dent appear on the surface of the rock without the creature like is shown below
Here you can observe that a no natural formation is on the surface of the rock and this time without the creature in front of it.
There is something that tell us to go beyond to find life out there, to find answers, we know the true, the odds to find life outside our planet or in our solar system is certain great for sure, we are spending resources and time going to mars because we know There is life actually in any form and beside NASA there are some agencies and private from other countries trying to prove it, and it's being proved already
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