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      Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding

   The fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover 

                        In the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome

     I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate of any specie

     I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the mankind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction

it is already a six year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly in this project to bring you better details about this discovery,with this album of photos I am introducing you the first ever seen images of real life outside of our planet and I hope you can use your imagination to understand those pictures and to see what I can see in them


I invite you to explore the other two pages where you can see the extracted detailed images from the original photos and I posted a video down this page where you can see the curiosity rover journey across Mars surface and in its fourth anniversary on the red planet Mars about to entrance the Murray Buttes where you can find the Stimson formation and the famous cluster of sediments named cross bedding where some of the creatures where spotted and after passing the Pahrump hills another important formation is found as the Whale Rock

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2 years ago

Esto debería de promoverse,,, es impresionante este descubrimiento y que llegue más arriba

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