! Eureka ! There is life on mars planet
Attention: before you continue reading is important that you follow some instructions in order to get the most of this post and do not get lost,
6 Nov 2024 01:43
Attention: before you continue reading is important that you follow some instructions in order to get the most of this post and do not get lost,
15 Feb 2021 20:28
I invite you to explore the other two pages where you can see the extracted detailed images from the original photos and I posted a video down this page where you can see the curiosity rover journey across Mars surface and in its fourth anniversary on the red planet Mars about to entrance the Murray Buttes where you can find the Stimson formation and the famous cluster of sediments named cross bedding where some of the creatures where spotted and after passing the Pahrump hills another important formation is found as the Whale Rock
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Esto debería de promoverse,,, es impresionante este descubrimiento y que llegue más arriba